LGBT Youth Scotland

LGBT Youth Scotland

About us

Our work changes lives. When you support us, you help make Scotland a place where young people like Arden can flourish and thrive.

LGBT Youth Scotland is Scotland’s national charity for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Questioning and Intersex (LGBTQ+) young people. 

Young people are the future of Scotland; our future leaders, teachers and parents. Life can be tough for any young person, but LGBTQ+ young people often face additional barriers in education, employment and family relationships. They also experience depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicidal thoughts at a higher level than the general population.

We believe Scotland can be a place where all young people can thrive, so we work alongside LGBTQ+ young people to remove those barriers by working both individually, and by amplifying collective voices to influence change.

For more than 20 years we have been creating safe spaces where LGBTQ+ young people aged 13-25 can flourish; reaching their full potential in life, work and education.

Thank you for helping us support many more young people when they need us most.

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